Source code for glados.plugin

import glob
import importlib
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, NoReturn, Union

import requests
import yaml
from slack.web.classes.messages import Message
from slack.web.classes.objects import MarkdownTextObject, PlainTextObject, TextObject

from glados import (

SLACK_MESSAGE_TYPES = [Message, MarkdownTextObject, TextObject, PlainTextObject]

[docs]class PluginBotConfig: def __init__(self, name="NOT SET"): = name
[docs] def to_dict(self): return dict(
[docs]class PluginConfig: def __init__( self, name: str, config_file: str, module=None, enabled=False, bot=None, **kwargs, ): """Plugin Config Object. Parameters ---------- name Plugin Name config_file Path to config file for plugin module plugin python module name enabled enable this plugin bot what bot does this plugin use kwargs """ if not bot: bot = dict() = name self.module = module self.enabled = enabled = PluginBotConfig(**bot) self.config_file = config_file self.config = PyJSON(kwargs) package = config_file.replace("/", ".") package = package.replace(".config.yaml", "") self.package = package
[docs] def update(self, config: "PluginConfig", use_base_module: bool = True) -> NoReturn: """Update a config object using the default values from the config object passed in. Parameters ---------- config : PluginConfig the config object to use as the base. By default the module property will be set from the base config object only use_base_module: bool if set true use the value of module and package from the base config object only. """ config = config.__dict__.copy() self_config = self.__dict__ if use_base_module: self_config.pop("module") self_config.pop("package") config.update(self_config) self.__dict__ = config
[docs] def to_dict(self, user_config_only=True) -> dict: """Return config as dict Parameters ---------- user_config_only if True only get get waht is in the config file and not the running config. """ config = dict(enabled=self.enabled, if not user_config_only: config["module"] = self.module return { config}
[docs] def to_yaml(self, user_config_only=True): return yaml.dump(self.to_dict(user_config_only))
[docs]class PluginImporter: def __init__(self, plugins_folder: str, plugins_config_folder: str): """Create the PluginImporter object. Parameters ---------- plugins_folder plugin folder plugins_config_folder plugin config folder """ self.plugins = dict() self.plugins_folder = plugins_folder self.plugins_config_folder = plugins_config_folder self.config_files = list() self.plugin_configs = dict() # type: Dict[str, PluginConfig]
[docs] def discover_plugins(self) -> NoReturn: """Discover all plugin config files in the plugins folder""" config_files = glob.glob(f"{self.plugins_folder}/**/*.yaml", recursive=True) self.config_files = config_files
[docs] def load_discovered_plugins_config( self, write_to_user_config: bool = True ) -> NoReturn: """Load all the yaml configs for the plugins""" plugin_package_config = None plugin_user_config = None logging.debug("starting import of plugins") for config_file in self.config_files: # Read the plugin package config plugin_name = None with open(config_file) as file: c = yaml.load(file, yaml.FullLoader) if len(c.keys()) != 1: logging.critical( f"zero or more than one object in config file: {config_file}" ) continue plugin_name = list(c.keys())[0] c[plugin_name]["config_file"] = config_file plugin_package_config = PluginConfig(plugin_name, **c[plugin_name]) if plugin_name is None: logging.critical( f"invalid or missing plugin name. config file: {config_file}" ) continue user_config_path = Path(self.plugins_config_folder, f"{plugin_name}.yaml") # Write defaults to user file if not user_config_path.is_file() and write_to_user_config: with open(user_config_path, "w") as file: plugin_package_config.enabled = False yaml.dump(plugin_package_config.to_dict(), file) elif not user_config_path.is_file() and not write_to_user_config: logging.warning(f"no user plugin config for {plugin_name}. skipping.") continue with open(user_config_path) as file: c = yaml.load(file, yaml.FullLoader) if len(c.keys()) != 1: logging.critical( f"zero or more than one object in config file: {config_file}" ) continue c[plugin_name]["config_file"] = str(user_config_path) plugin_user_config = PluginConfig(plugin_name, **c[plugin_name]) plugin_user_config.update(plugin_package_config) self.plugin_configs[plugin_name] = plugin_user_config
# TODO(zpriddy): Filter out warnings and errors if importing plugins in a limited way.
[docs] def import_discovered_plugins(self, bots: Dict[str, GladosBot]) -> NoReturn: """Import all discovered plugins and store them in self.plugins. Parameters ---------- bots dict of all the imported bots Returns ------- :obj: `NoReturn`: the results are updated in self.plugins """ for plugin_name, plugin_config in self.plugin_configs.items(): if not plugin_config.enabled: logging.warning(f"plugin {plugin_name} is disabled") continue = plugin_name"importing plugin: {plugin_name}") module = importlib.import_module(plugin_config.package) # Check if required bot is imported def get_required_bot( bot_name: str, bots: Dict[str, GladosBot] ) -> Union[None, GladosBot]: if not bot_name: raise GladosError(f"no bot name set for plugin: {plugin_name}") bot = bots.get(bot_name) if not bot: logging.error( f"bot: {bot_name} is not found. disabling plugin: {plugin_name}" ) raise GladosBotNotFoundError( f"bot: {bot_name} is not found as required for {plugin_name}" ) return bot try: bot = get_required_bot(, bots) except GladosError as e: logging.error(f"{e} :: disabling plugin: {plugin_name}") self.plugin_configs[plugin_name].enabled = False continue plugin = getattr(module, plugin_config.module)(plugin_config, bot) self.plugins[plugin_name] = plugin
[docs]class GladosPlugin: """Parent class for a GLaDOS Plugin Parameters ---------- config PluginConfig object for the plugin. bot the GLaDOS bot that this plugin will use """ def __init__(self, config: PluginConfig, bot: GladosBot, **kwargs): = self._config = config self.config = config.config = bot self._routes = dict() # type: Dict[int, Dict[str, GladosRoute]] for route in RouteType._member_names_: self._routes[ RouteType[route].value ] = dict() # type: Dict[str, GladosRoute]
[docs] def add_route( self, route_type: RouteType, route: Union[EventRoutes, str], function: Callable ) -> NoReturn: """Add a new route to the plugin Parameters ---------- route_type what type of route this is this route what is the route to be added function the function to be executed when this route runs """ if type(route) is EventRoutes: route = new_route = GladosRoute(route_type, route, function) if route_type in BOT_ROUTES: new_route.route = f"{}_{route}" if new_route.route in self._routes[new_route.route_type.value]: raise GladosPathExistsError( f"a route with the name of {new_route.route} already exists in the route type: {}" ) self._routes[new_route.route_type.value][new_route.route] = new_route
[docs] def send_request(self, request: GladosRequest, **kwargs) -> Any: """This is the function to be called when sending a request to a plugin. This function is responsible for validating the slack signature if needed. It also returns and empty string if the function called returns None. Parameters ---------- request the request object to be sent kwargs """ if request.route_type in VERIFY_ROUTES: response = self._routes[request.route_type.value][request.route].function( request, **kwargs ) if response is None: # TODO(zpriddy): add logging. return "" if request.route_type is RouteType.Interaction and request.response_url: if type(response) is str: self.respond_to_url(request, response) if type(response) in SLACK_MESSAGE_TYPES: response = response.to_dict() if type(response) is dict: self.respond_to_url(request, **response) return response
[docs] def respond_to_url(self, request: GladosRequest, text: str, **kwargs): """When you click on a link that was sent via slack it sends a callback, This is to handle that""" if not request.response_url: logging.error("no response_url provided in request.") return kwargs["text"] = text r =, json=kwargs)"slack response: {r}")
[docs] def has_route(self, route: str) -> bool: """See if route exists. Parameters ---------- route : route to check Returns ------- True if route exists else false """ route_extended = f"{}_{route}" for r_type, route_entry in self._routes.items(): try: if list(route_entry.keys())[0] in [route, route_extended]: return True except IndexError: continue return False
@property def routes(self) -> List[GladosRoute]: """List all routes for the plugin.""" routes = list() [ routes.extend(route_object) for route_object in [ list(route.values()) for route in [route_type for route_type in self._routes.values()] ] ] return routes